Your experience as a Park Scholar doesn't end with graduation! Participate in the Park Alumni Society in the following ways:
Stay Connected / Join Us Online
Step One: Update your SPIFFY information!
This is the single most important thing you can do. By keeping your information up-to-date in SPIFFY, you can stay up-to-date with our quarterly newsletter and important announcements, find other Park alums in your area, and even view job postings in your region and professional area.
Forgotten your login information? Contact us.
Step Two: Like us on Facebook
Like our Park Alumni Society page on Facebook! Learn about upcoming events and announcements, connect with other alums, and see pictures and posts from our activities.
Step Three: Join our group on LinkedIn
Send a request to join the NC State Park Alumni LinkedIn Group. Once approved, you'll be connected with Park Scholars and friends across the globe!

Attend Events / Join Us In-Person
The PAS holds regular events in the Triangle and other Regional areas. Check your quarterly email newsletter and Facebook feed for more information.
Krispy Kreme Challenge
The annual Krispy Kreme Challenge is taking place on February 1, 2020 this year. Stay tuned for more information on engaging with us.
Finalist Weekend Reunion
Coming back for Finalist Weekend or going to be in the Raleigh area? Plan on joining your fellow alumni on the evening of February 22nd. More details to come soon!
Service Raleigh
The annual Service Raleigh is taking place on April 4, 2020. We are looking to organize a team within the Park Alumni so let us know if you are interested in joining by emailing Wade at
sPark 2020
Mark your calendars for Friday through Sunday, April 17-19, 2020. Join Park Scholars, alumni, faculty, families, and friends for sPark: a two-day leadership and networking symposium. sPark is an opportunity to think big, discuss relevant issues, and celebrate 24 years of Park Scholars' accomplishments. To learn more about the event, visit
Interested in hosting an event with a few different Park Alumni. Contact us at
With a growing alumni base throughout the US, we are hoping to have more regional events. The hope is to start having more informal meet-ups in areas of higher concentration, including but not limited to Raleigh, Charlotte, Washington DC, Denver, and San Francisco. If you are in one of those areas and interested in putting together an event, please contact us at